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A widespread corporation that makes coffee, i don't care if it is 'the mans' way of drinking coffee, its is delicious. Granted, i don't like their stylings, like the smooth jazz playing in every branch, or the artsy fartsy stuff on the walls, or the names like decaf white chocolate bold mocha latte with cream, and then the description is, a bold, intriguing beverage, but i just like the coffee

ex.1: some guy: dude, i can't believe you bought that £2 coffee from 'the corporation'
me: shut up and let me drink my coffee

ex.2: me: what is a java mocha latte?
clerk: it is an invigorating, intriguing, bold bevarage from the foothills of mexico
me: does it taste good?
clerk: uuuh i don't know

ex.3: preppy scenester: oh, i love the smooth jazz stylings and intriguing art of this place (sips coffee) oh, this coffe is so smooth
me: shut up and let me drink my coffee

by amatar August 15, 2005

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