small memory chip manufacturer of the 70's untill ibm confronted intel, ibm needed a second producer for intels 8088 chip used in ibms new personal computer intels choice was amd in a contract 82 to 92-ish intel was suposed to share with amd amd info on cpus. amd didnt have to share back .. thus resulting in law suits over annything from a number 386,{amd's 386 was better then intels and cheeper} and 486 to a p rating of their amd k-5 .. 3 times in history intel screwed itself . 1 by saying to zylog build that cpu .. 2 saying amd build ibms cpu .. 3 by laughing at nexgen ,amd bought nexgen and crunched the nx686 the pentium pro killer down so far to pin it the same as intels socket 7.
nx686=k6 = p_II sucks . blah blah blah
70👍 54👎