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A empty shell of a human being who gets pleasure in using anybody they can for sex. They come off as charming, loving, true love, too good to be true, perfect mate, the one you've been waiting for all your life. Lies and and deception is a way of life for them. Players take pleasure in destroying lives and breaking hearts, it turns them on. They have hundreds of lovers and usually have severall STD's and higher odds of contracting aids. A true player will play either sex, they don't care who the warm hole belongs to. To them its only that and nothing more. Destroy and move on to the next. Most have dark deep eyes that look right to your soul, thats because they plan on sucking it out, chewing it up and spitting it out.

Player: I deserve this because I'm not like anybody else, I'm special and the best lover in the world.
Player: Slow week for me I only broke 5 hearts and screwed 10.
Victim: He said "I was the one he had been looking for his whole life" but after we had sex a couple of times he wouldn't return my calls.

by angel100 November 10, 2012

169👍 39👎


A guy you should run away from and hide, jerk. Somebody you're mother warned you about and you're father would want to choke.

Ren will do anybody that moves Don't be a ren

by angel100 October 31, 2012

58👍 294👎