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Lily is a kind, caring, yet funny girl. She will come into your life at the most unsespected moments and make it 100% better. She is always looking to help someone. She is a great listener and will help anyone when they need it. She has big, beautiful eyes. She is always the mom friend, but definetly has a wild side to her. She is lovable and always tries her hardest to succeed, but when she doesn’t she’ll pick her self up and try again. She has been hurt but would not ever let anyone see it. She is loyal to her friends because she wants to be the friend she wishes she had. She is hilarious and can make anyone smile. She also loves memes. She is modest and can find beauty in everyone except her self. She always looks to find the best in people. She is friends with guys and girls. For anyone to ever loose a Lily in their life is screwed because Lily is the best person they will ever meet. Someday Lily will grow up to be a mom and be the mom everyone wished they had because of her loving nature. She gets hurt often by the people she loves but will never let anyone see it. Never loose a Lily.

“Oh I wish I was still friends with lily. She’s the best!”

by annonymus92 December 16, 2017

10👍 4👎


Lily is the mom friend. She makes sure everyone is okay before herself. She tends to be self conscious and see beauty in everyone and everything but herself. Lily doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. Lily is the sweetest girl you will ever meet and has the best manners. She will make you laugh until you pee yourself. She has a tight group of friends and if you fuck with them you fuck with her. She has a hard time loving herself but she loves everyone else. She loves going out and partying but she’s also fine with kicking back and relaxing. You can go from laughing your asses off with lily to having a deep conversation about life. She is athletic and very creative. She’s tough and can take crap but she is also very sensitive even though she doesn’t show it.

bob- Lily will beat up anyone’s ass then apologize

by annonymus92 August 16, 2018

5👍 3👎