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Most people have already got the definition 110% right.
The scene kids are the kids that deny being emo and most think emo's are wanabee's.. yeah look at yourself love. They'll most likely have BIG choppy hair, with strands or bleach blonde or red in it.
they'll wear pink eyeshadow all round their eyes, boys included.
they'll wear bandanas round their necks and extremely tight clothes.
they'll say stuff like 'omgzz!1!! you totally get like 100 scene points for that..
God knows what you have to do to get scene points.
Some of them pretend to be arrogant cos they think its cool, and everyone is a cunt in their eyes.
They think they'd give you a heart attack or you'd give them a heart attack.
they're very into their fashion.
They like to use the word xcore on alot of words.
Half of them will say they hate unoriginal people.. hahahaha that just amusing, hypocrites. cos they're totaly original.
They calim they want to be ninjas or pirates, and they're obsessed with zombies, dinasours etcc.
they say omgzz alot, and purposefully don't press down shift when using the exclamation mark so they end up doing this!!11!1!
Don't be harsh on the kids though, they think they look good doing these things, maybe they do it in an attempt to boost there self-confidence. You probably dress the way you do cos you think you look good, its exactly the same.
But yeah, admitidly, they're damn annoying.

check myspace website. hundreds of scene kids on that. dont join it though. it seems to encourage alot of people to ''become scene''

by anonnn October 13, 2005

18👍 30👎