ILY ALINA YOU NEED MORE APPRECIATION, Even though the Alina slander is funnyð
mikalinaaa appreciation day should be everyday.
karma DOES indeed get bitches. in-fact, i am one of them! karma needs more appreciation bc THEY ARE THE BEST!
person 1: does karmagetsbitches_hot actually live up to their name??
person 2: YES. she does get ALL the bitches
an amazing queer! yas rollin with the lgbt. tbh kazutora obsession has gotten WORSE but thats okay! i still love u bff
brahmansprincesss is a HOMO who loves kazutora.
fun fact about brahmansprincesss: they are averyarlerts TWIN. ( only thing they dont share in common is being gay )
an ass hole who never answers my texts
deftonzes can suck a dick
oddly obsessed with oukeria ( gay! )
primeinred is gay. no one likes gay people
a queer
person 1: who is cherryslusher?
person 2: a homosexual who is obsessed with joseph joestar.