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Crush club

This is a club that's only members are guys that all teenage girls have crushes on. A few members include Timothee Chalamet, Harry Styles and YOUNG Leonardo Decaprio. All men in the crush club are superior. Daddy DeVito is also included.

"Hey look at this famous celebrity, isn't he so cute!?"
"Omigosh he needs to be added to the crush club right now!!!"
They grabbed a pen and scribbled down the name Bob Duncan at the end of the list.

by anonymouschicken101 May 18, 2020

Gamer girl

A girl who plays video games. There are two types: one who is only playing to get attention from guys and will most likely sell their bathwater. The other type just plays because they enjoy it and usually are very kind and enjoyable people to be around.

"Oh hey look, it's a gamer girl!"
"Wow! That's really rare I haven't ever seen one in the wild before."

by anonymouschicken101 May 18, 2020

58👍 21👎