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Samantha Simon

A super sweet girl who over uses the 💜 emoji

Emily: Samantha Simon is the kindest girl ever!

Angela: ikr

by anotcoolperson June 23, 2018


link in bio

ayyy go take my quiz LIB

by anotcoolperson May 6, 2018


Lal the ecofriendly way of saying lol. Instead of sayin laughing out loud, lal stands for laughing at loud carbon

*person tells a joke* lal now that’s funny

by anotcoolperson April 2, 2018

7👍 2👎


Ln the normal way to express how your laughing. The only way to laugh is out loud so why not shorten it to laughing normally or ln

*funny joke* ln

by anotcoolperson April 2, 2018

7👍 16👎

Mary Davis

The most talented artist in the world. She has a variety of skills including calligraphy, drawing carrots, and drawing people.

Samantha: Woah that drawing is so good.

Bella: I know Mary Davis did it.

by anotcoolperson June 22, 2018

1👍 1👎