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North Dakota

The most useless fucking place in the United States. Known for it's....
So anyways, if you have a chance to go there, don't.
I'd rather live in purgatory than this useless turd of a chunk of frozen dirt on the nutsack of a camel. Honestly, I'm reading about how great North Dakota is, but nobody will say why. The only thing to do is underage drink. If you're not underage then you're pretty much fucked. After that the only thing to do is fuck goats and eat pickled fish shit. God damn it. North Dakota is the ball bag of America.
See: Herpes

Osama: "Hey, Let's bomb North Dakota."
Saddam: "Why the fuck would we bomb North Dakota? The only things that are there are trees and cow shit."
Osama: "We live in North Dakota."
Saddam: "Oh yeah."

by antinorthdakota August 28, 2009

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