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black people

as a black male reading some of the definitions about blacks on this site was very disturbing and highly offensive. I'm sure most of the people who wrote these definitions have gone solely on racial stereotypes and have not even been wronged by a black male or female. There are good and bad people of every race not just black people. education is not based on the color of your skin rather what you do with that knowledge. I'm sure if i went to any part of the world I would find an uneducated or person that eats fried chicken. I really hope one day people will change the way they look at black people. I really do.

other race: tch I bet all black people are sure to grow up and go to jail because they are all uneducated and commit crimes

black person: do you even know any black people?

other race: well...no but i hear from other people about them

black person: so what your saying is even though you have never met one, you have formed a stereotypical opinion about them

other race: yep because I'm ignorant and ready to put down an entire race of people because of what some guy told me

black person: well what if you were black and i was (other race) would you like it if I did that?

other race: hmm never thought of it that way

by aproudblackteen August 4, 2010

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