Ãe very cool letter Ãat was removed by Ãe frenchs Ãat couldnt pronouned their Ãorn's The letter originated from the rune ᦠin the Elder Fuþark and was called thorn in the Anglo-Saxon and thorn or thurs in the Scandinavian rune poems. It is similar in appearance to the archaic Greek letter sho (ϸ), although the two are historically unrelated. The only language in which þ is currently in use is Icelandic.
H but cool
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another way of saying :O but its sideway and also its a letter used in german and other languages
Surprise Ã.
literally a fucking recommend character in bfb
i recommend for jack russel terrier dog riding very fast and speed a skateboard as skated , with sunglasses in summer vacation, taking a selfie with smartphone or cell phone
DạdÇá¸aÄadẩÄá¸adâÄadạdẠdạá¸a da dẩdadÇdÈÄadadÈdẫ á¸adÄÌdaá¸a dÈdâÄada á¸adadẫdadảá¸a dạá¸aá¸a dadẫÄadÇdẫdáºá¸a á¸adadadÇdạá¸adÄÌ.
DạdÇá¸aÄadẩÄá¸adâÄadạdẠdạá¸a da dẩdadÇdÈÄadadÈdẫ á¸adÄÌdaá¸a dÈdâÄada dad InsulÄvoric
central african republic
c a r
if your crossing the roads remember to look both ways there are ð¨ð«'s
a fucking weird smile.
a ipa letter its a closed central rounded vowel it makes the Ê sound used in the word É¡ÊÌd and stɹÊÌt
i got those words from wikipedia cuz i dont speak ipa /j
Person 1: hi :)
Person 2: hello ÊÌ
Person 1: what the fu-