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"At least one term deserves special mention for, so far as can be learned, it is native to the prison. Every inmate knows its meaning and a great portion of them use the word. The term which seems unique in the prison is the word 'hoosier'. A 'hoosier' seems to be any person, inmate, or otherwise, who is objectionable. More specifically, it is used for stool pigeons, stupid persons, and officials. It seems to have no reference to Indiana and its etiology could not be learned".

- CLEMMER, Donald. The Prison Community - Boston: The Christopher Publishing House, 1940, p. 90.

"We go in at 8:45 and are razzed all along the line. When the night guard unlocks the cell we enter and the following conversation takes place:

"N.C.P. What the hell is that on the floor? Which is your bunk?
"Me: I don't know. The hoosier (galley boy) usually keeps this joint pretty clean. Your bunk's the top one, but if your mattress is better than mine, we'll sleep there.
"N.C.P. Some one's been eating peanuts and dropped 'em on the floor. I have to get up at 5:00 o'clock, don't I? Will he remember to call me? (The night guard.)
"I: You have to go out at 5:00 o'clock and he wakes you up at 4:00 so you can get dressed. If he don't call you, the screws won't get any breakfast.
"N.C.P. That hoosier better not bother me at 4:00 o'clock. What the hell do I care whether they get any breakfast or not! Oh, the dirty bastard!"

(Idem, ibidem, p. 106)

by arsenico January 17, 2009

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