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monta vista

Where kids get expelled/suspended for "hacking" the school network

Where kids like to provoke Indian gangsters, and get chased down by big guys with knives and a black Hummer

Where there are "gang fights" over smoking turf in the library

Where two teachers have been sacked due to student complaints (officially sexual harrasment)

Where there is currently a petition to readopt the sacked teacher's grading policy, because people who had 86% and above got an A. Which isn't true anymore, after the aforementioned teacher got sacked, which means you've got an angry mob of MV students with B's. Never good.

"Did you hear _____ was expelled for getting the network password?"
"No fucking way! In other schools, kids get expelled for shooting people, not attempting to cheat, like at Monta Vista"

by asfdj December 13, 2007

42👍 27👎