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Mexican cum guzzling

Guzzling cum with hot sauce.

Juanita: Have you ever tried Mexican cum guzzling

Gina: No. Why?
Juanita: I heard it feels amazing.

Gina: Wouldn't it hurt?
Juanita: Yes, but I'm still willing to try it.

by asian4hire December 6, 2016

filipino shit

A shit either taken by a person with a Filipino background or a shit containing only Filipino food.

When I came back from that Filipino restaurant downtown I took a Filipino shit

by asian4hire December 2, 2016

2👍 2👎

Buttering the toast

When you're having sex with a girl and you pull out to ejacualte on her crotch and start spreading it around like butter on toast.

My girlfriend wouldn't let me cum in her so I ended up buttering the toast

by asian4hire December 5, 2016

6👍 9👎