Felipe is quite a dreadful name. He is the scum of the earth. IS THE WORSt. I quite recall him being a whore ansd selling himself on Brazilian streets for quite cheap . He once said his words exactly " Brianna is distracting" Help him find him help plz. If you ever run into Felipe Andrade plz call get some help and if ever tries to rape you hit on you run so dar run as fast u can call the police. He may look innocent but babies lie two faced jerk. He often call himself straight but we are all pranked he is secretly gay which may be obvious for some beings. His kink is GBF. His favorite girls to hit on may be Alyssa a fellow colleague and Nikki parvlas another fellow colleague. Run he is a scary Mexican. HE eats platanes on the weekends. HE aspires to make it big Time in Fifa possible 199999999999999 rather than 2 billion.
Run its Felipe Andrade !
Oh look at that sweaty guy Felipe
Please Don't Felipe