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The smartest dinosaur in the world, the philosoraptor is the velociraptor's smarter cousin. Recent evidence suggests the philosoraptor originated on 4chan and spread through sites such as quickmeme and reddit. the philosoraptor spends it's time lost in thought as it ponders riddles, proverbs and questions famous sayings. It is not beyond the philosoraptor to attempt to unravel paradoxes and, in some rare instances, suceed.

Quotes from philosoraptor

if a tomato is a fruit,
would that make ketchup a smoothie?

If guns don't kill people, people kill people,
then do toasters not toast toast, toast toast's toast?

What would happen if pinocheo said his nose would now grow?

If kanye west stole the microphone,
is Taylor Swift really so swift?

If anything is possible,
is it possible for something to be impossible?

What does lady gaga wear
on halloween?

by asillyp3rson December 21, 2013

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