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the poor cousin of ricers.

bogans usually tear around in their ancient and beat up commodores and falcons. the male of the species is usually a league/afl supporter, and sports a mullet or atrocious hair and flannel, while the female carrys her children around, communicating with offspring and other bogans in a high pitched screech, painful to the ears of humans. they all swear like troopers, smoke like chimneys, drink like fish, and have no regard whatsoever for other people. commonly on the dole.

a bogan is an imported species in australia, they are considered a pest, similar to cane toads

male - sheila, get that fuckin dinner on the fuckin table woman, the kids are fuckin hungry again

female - fuck orf im having my fuckin smoke darryl. get yer own fuckin dinner

human - look at that bogan doing laps.
human 2 - pft what a try-hard

by aussiebabe May 20, 2006

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