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Noun: a term used by cool Australian palaeontologists for unidentifiable shards of fossils.

Verb: the act of turning a nice fossil into unidentifiable shards through poor excavation technique.

"Nah, no good fossils here, all I'm finding are a bunch of groads."

"It was a perfect Thylacoleo skull before he groaded it with a trowel."

by aussiepalaeo December 27, 2021

9👍 1👎


Noun: a term used by cool Australian palaeontologists for unidentifiable shards of fossils.

Verb: the act of turning a perfectly good fossil into unidentifiable shards through poor excavation technique.

"Nah, no good fossils here mate, just finding a bunch of groads."
"It was a perfect Thylacoleo cranium before he groaded it with a trowel."

by aussiepalaeo December 27, 2021

3👍 1👎