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Not as great as everyone makes it out to be and not as "diverse" as people who were born there make it out to be. People who were born there and have NEVER left the West Coast or have seen the rest of the world for that matter, think that they are "cultured" because they reside in California. As if California is a cultural melting pot. I used to live in San Francisco and must say that people from California are no more intelligent than anyone else. Berlin, Germany alone is more culturally diverse than the ENTIRE state of California. Depending on which part of the state that you venture off to, you will encounter ALOT of hicks. So Californians, because you have Hollywood, beaches, and enough suburban sprawl to make someone violently ill, does not make you any smarter or any more "diverse" as you claim to be.

Person: Where are you from?
Californian: I am from California.
Person: Have you ever been anywhere else?
Californian: I am from California. I am "culturally diverse" because I am from California.

by axiomatica November 8, 2007

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