Source Code


Used to be one of the best ninja games for the Sega Genesis, now it's just some generic 3D hack-n-slash game for the Playstation2 where Joe Musashi (the main character) now looks like a Strider ripoff.

Revenge of Shinobi (1989), Shadow Dancer (1991), Shinobi 3 (1993).

by ayb July 20, 2003

43πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A variation of techno music.
A place where people go to socialize or dance.

by ayb March 31, 2003

52πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A crappy fighting game made by NAMCO, the same company which made Pacman.
A cheap knockoff of SEGA's Virtua Fighter, except that it also borrows poorly from CAPCOM's Street Fighter. Favored by button-mashers who can't play videogames because of its cheap combo system, one-hit knockouts, and lack of physics.

I played Tekken Jag Tournament on the Playstation 2.

by ayb February 24, 2003

16πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Extreme and uncontrollable anger. The person who posesses it is most likely to act it out, violently.

I broke the Rottweiler's ribs in a burst of seething rage.

by ayb February 20, 2003

1229πŸ‘ 734πŸ‘Ž


A politicaly-correct word for blind or arrogant.

Nuff said

by ayb March 26, 2003

540πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


People say they hate this restaurant so much, yet more people order food from this dump than everywhere else combined. Hypocrites.

McDonald's fries taste real good, though.

by ayb May 17, 2003

144πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


what the Hell were the folks at NOKIA smoking when they designed this ghastly device? You actually have to hold the phone with its width next to your ear in order to communicate, and they could have included better launch games which you can only play by first removing the battery and then adding or changing the cartridge. Not to mention the ridiculous price range. Definitely a concept designed for failure.

If NOKIA had designed the cartridge slot on the external part of N-Gage, and designed it more like a pocket calculator like many of NOKIA's cellphone product lines, and cut the price in half, the N-Gage might do a little bit better.

by ayb October 28, 2003

234πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž