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Deafulty boi

A word to call yourself "smart"

I am i Deafulty boi

by az2007 November 29, 2018

1👍 1👎


another word for unicorn

My son had a dream that he was riding an EEEP.

by az2007 November 29, 2018


a word to describe gender neutral

I don't know my baby brothers gende , lets call him SPAGHETT

by az2007 November 29, 2018

3👍 8👎


An adjective to describe the feeling of agreement with a story teller’s confession but being too shy to openly admit it out loud. Shocking recognition and feeling of connection, like “I’m not the only one who does it” but mixed with a feeling of embarrassment and subsequent repression.

When John confessed that he ate his scabs as a child, I felt so dupladuplee.

by az2007 November 30, 2018