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more simple acronym to say "know what i'm sayin"

"We in da hood, we poor! Kwisy?"

by b to the rizzle March 21, 2007


someone who is totally not into dating or interacting at all with people directly but only through apple's I-(insert item here) type products. They also can be categorized by never removing their ipod headphones.

(2 is listening to ipod)
1:Hey, u wanna see a movie?
2:No response
1:(repeats louder)
2:I can't, gotta download some songs and re-tag all my music in my music collection on my ibook and-
1:"You're so isexual!"

by b to the rizzle May 10, 2007

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

breakfast and bed

when u stay up all night and then go to sleep after eating breakfest

That last new year's eve party was a breakfast and bed for me

by b to the rizzle April 29, 2007

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Brokeback Mountain

-The only movie where the good guys get it in the end!

-The first gay cowboy movie

1: Have you seen Brokeback Mountain
2: Nah brotha, if you were able to watch the whole thing, you gay

by b to the rizzle February 27, 2007

207πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž


A girl that people mention has 'interesting' hobbies since she's a slut. Guys go out with her because she's 'interesting' to be around, not to mention easy all the same.

P1 :That girl Crystal like the champange is never boring...I wanna go out with her...

P2 : That bitch is a sluteresting dirty hoe, I got HIV from her.

by b to the rizzle February 16, 2007

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


carusofy is to have your career fucked up as badly as actor david caruso's was before he got his job at CSI and CSI:Miami.

From Justin to Kelly did a good job of carusofying Justin Guerrini's (or whatever the fuck that washed up loser's name is) career although Kelly Clarkson may have gained from it.

by b to the rizzle May 6, 2007

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Very preppy girl/ wears all aeropostale

like, omfg, chrissie was totally wearing different outfits all from like aeropostale like the entire week, what an aeropost-gal

by b to the rizzle April 11, 2007

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž