Electronic-acronyms, often used by trendy, teenage girls on the Internet or even in real spoken conversations.
Spoken, 'LOL' is pronounced how it sounds, while 'LMAO' is pronounced 'Leh-may-oh' and 'ROFL' is 'Roff-el' (rhymes with 'Waffle').
"OMG did u c dat HOTT guy over dere???!!?!?!? LOL OMG he wuz hotter dan EMINEM!!!1! g2g cya" - Electronic
"Oh my god! I am so tired, like, totally! Lol!" - Spoken
9π 7π
Daniel is a tubby fool, as is Marshall and Adley.
206π 118π
The non-offensive way of saying 'mother fucker.'
Jeeves, you monkey function! The Presidents wife is supposed to be in Switzerland! SWITZERLAND!
3π 2π
1. adj: of or relating to feces
2. adj: shitty
You fecal-head.
44π 24π
A good idea.
Hello = Word up, wassup, what up, howdy, g'day, sup, ssup, heya, heyo, hi, high, jello, cello, mellow, bellow, fellow, how-do.
2370π 165π
A person with red hair that sticks up.
<Stunta> HA! Look at that kid!
<Polka> Yeah! What a fully erect penis head, bro!
<Stunta> Righteous!
48π 38π
<Homer> Stupid grill! Why won't you light? The gas is on full-blast!
<Bart> You better stick your head in and see what's going on.
<Homer> Good idea!
8π 12π