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Acronym for go pound sand.

Boy: hey baby come chill at my place
Girl: gps

by baconmonster January 14, 2013

31👍 17👎

go pound sand

1. fuck off
2. piss off (chiefly British)
3. git! (chiefly Southern)
4. take a hike
5. get lost
6. go fly a kite
7. go away
8. leave me alone
9. mind your own business
10. poof be gone
11. slither back into the dark slimy pit from whence you come

Telemarketer: May I interest you in ...
You: Go pound sand.

Collection agency drone: Our records indicate that you owe XXX. Should we expect a check or a money order from you?
You: Go pound sand.

Boy: I'll change. I really will. Please baby I promise.
Girl: Go pound sand.

Late person: Hey that seat's mine.
Punctual person: Well you're late. And this isn't assigned seating.
Late person: But I always sit there! <Pouts.>
Punctual person: Go pound sand.

by baconmonster January 14, 2013

91👍 10👎