Wow, you are searching up the meaning of dictionary in the most memeiest dictionary in the whole wide world? Wow.
Seriously? Oh well. A dictionary is a dictionary
i'm just a normal Leilaa who loses 50/50 to Thighnari and Qiqi.
leilaa! I need to tell you something-
A person with no life. Your Leilaa may be a little shut-in with no life and has to copy other personalities, and might also be a weeb.
A great name for a crazed psychopath! And, leilaa is always a crazed person, who is bad at maths too.
Person: ...But your still alive?
my name is baldnora. i'm a alien from space outer
mememeeqjbk dcehhkbvajhkefbvekfjhwvhwfeuhkvbtewjhkbvwkjhwfrbvuhifdbvghksrfbvkuhdfsvbushdvbdfuhvbsdguhgvfhurw ngh~
rfewbfwrhvbrfuykvberfuykvbfuyorrgiuyhvwriuyfbwfecbefhucibuheffbhuwedbciuyfegcefyuigcreyuifgwefuiygciuhfdwgvufihr alien