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Vigils jus... y'know..you know?

wellbone : i realy like vigill as a character
gregbone: why?
wellbone: vigils just.. y'know.. ya know?

by ballchedder November 30, 2020


the father figure and role model of wael, legends have it ribiet is soleley responsible for the evoloution of wael to waelle due to extremeptsd from being attacked with the belt and horrifiying opression and homophobic beleiefs, it is beleieved the homophobia is what caused wael to seek out homosexuality and felt the need to rebel against this cruel man

wael; DAD im sorry please dont belt me uwu
ribiet: ribiet ribiet belty AAAGH
wael: pls stop it ;(

by ballchedder November 30, 2020


the peak of when shit goes wrong, the absoloute utmost of unfortunate events leading up to this one moment of utter cheesey horrifying stinking pile of yellow penile fungal matter found developing under the foreskin of a mans genitals

¬or it can also mean a building or area soleley dedicated to the production or manufacturing of smegma
eg - jacobs bedroom

jabcob: hai mam i need 2 shower
jacobs mum: OMG!!! your room is a smeggery
jabcob: sowee mam my peepee smell

by ballchedder November 30, 2020