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The worst city in America. A city that is shamed by its superior cities to the North and South, Philly, NYC and DC. A murderous and drug-infested cesspool that is a disgrace to the country and filled with a bunch of no-talent losers and morons. Name a rapper from Baltimore. Exactly. You can't. Filled with a bunch of wannabe New Yorkers and Philadelphians who try and act like the NYers and Philly heads they see on television. A city with no identity other than drugs or crime. People from Baltimore have disgusting accents and sound like hillbillies. A city that is ignored by citizens of real cities like NYC, Philly and DC while Baltimore idiots constantly talk and think about those other cities because of their deep inferiority complex.

The other 49 states and the rest of Maryland should throw Baltimore out of the USA. Baltimore is worse than Baghdad.

by baltimoreisajoke March 22, 2005

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