The stunned, speechless state experienced by guys when suddenly confronted by a nice set of knockers in a tight shirt.
Tom: "I saw that hot babe in the t-shirt walk up and talk to you. Did you get her number?"
Jerry: "Naw, I was titmatized."
A euphemism for coitus. This form is more common in popular culture than the original two backed beast. Predates Shakespeare.
Double backed beast... "These two did oftentimes do the two-backed beast together, joyfully rubbing and frotting their bacon 'gainst one another, in so far, that at last she became great with child of a fair son, and went with him unto the eleventh month; for so long, yea longer, may a woman carry her great belly, especially when it is some masterpiece of nature, and a person predestinated to the performance, in his due time, of great exploits."
François Rabelais (c. 1494 - 1553)
"Gargantua and Pantagruel"
Rubbing bacon... "These two did oftentimes do the two-backed beast together, joyfully rubbing and frotting their bacon 'gainst one another, in so far, that at last she became great with child of a fair son, and went with him unto the eleventh month; for so long, yea longer, may a woman carry her great belly, especially when it is some masterpiece of nature, and a person predestinated to the performance, in his due time, of great exploits."
François Rabelais (c. 1494 - 1553)
"Gargantua and Pantagruel"
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A brain zap is common withdrawal symptom of certain anti-depression and anti-anxiety drugs. A seemingly electrical pulse is felt to rush across the brain. Not painful but momentarily disorienting. A brain zap is usually not unpleasant and may be followed by a few seconds of slightly dizzy or even euphoric feeling.
When ever I watch DVDs on my cheap player, the movie always seems to have a little pause or brain zap right in the middle.
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