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he’s dumb, sometimes tolerable, and epic. he has his own little sayings that he, well, says a lot, and honestly, it’s pretty cute. everyone loves him. everyone. and it’s hard not to. he’s just naturally the best person you could possibly be around. to make you laugh, make you smile. make you cringe a little because of how nerdy and fanboy-y he can be. make you second guess yourself because he thinks he’s dumb when he really actually has a big brain. but as soon as you meet him, you wish you would’ve met him a lifetime ago. and you wish you could get to know him in a flash. his laugh is kind of perfect, and so is his smile. he’s too chivalrous and generous but that’s probably only cuz his heart is bigger than his level of thicc. most of all, though, he’s just adorable. and it’s hard to get over it.

dayum is that nicolas thiccolas?

by barackandroll May 12, 2019

30👍 10👎