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Guedid- a black form of a stupid chicken also known as Huiplet in Africa.

Hey theres a Guedid in the bushes!

by baron June 10, 2004

5👍 1👎

mirth pants

an exclamation meaning just about anything.

mirthpants! my package has arrived!
mirthpants! the dog bit my leg and it's bleeding a lot!

by baron December 24, 2003

7👍 7👎


Minimus, getting a blast of a warm, creamy substance down your throat.

Somebody, pass the tissues, I've just had a minimus off Joe...

by baron January 8, 2005

4👍 4👎


A beautiful and lovely creature who is fun to chat with and loves smiling that frees the soul of difficulties and stress 😘😘

That gal is an harnjy

by baron March 12, 2021