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Jeremy Sumpter

The young actor who made his first huge hit in the movie Frailty, but has become more popular with his most recent film, Peter Pan. Definitely completely hot for a kid.

"That Jeremy Sumper is sure one sexy mother trucker."

by baseball_rox_my_world April 12, 2004

173👍 46👎


A word used when not wanting to say the REAL world. Also use mutha fu-cuss word.

"Don't spray mase in ya face, biotch!"

by baseball_rox_my_world April 12, 2004

6👍 9👎

Mutha Fu-cuss word!

An expression commonly used when one does not want to use a real curse word, so chooses this expression, conveying the same meaning.

"That biotch had me completely pissed. What a mutha fu-cuss word!"

by baseball_rox_my_world April 12, 2004

16👍 9👎