sophers is one of them cool nerds. Has sophers reached first base?? More like 0.5 (some cheeky cheek action). Her hair is definitely NOT BLONDE. Sophers comes with a bit of an unhealthy obsession with any fictional character and is incapable of emotions towards any living person. Did someone say Draco Malfoy??? If you go on holiday with sophers expect her to come back a different race. Be careful... if u wake sophers up in the morning u may experience her night bangs. Does Sophers want a boyfriend? No. But does Sophers really want a boyfriend? Yes. Sophie may or may not have a fetish for your younger brothers...
"Where's sophers??" "she hasn't left her house in 6 weeks..."
"did u see sophers profile pic on the uni call?" "yh what was that"
"i wanna hold hands with sophers but shes never experienced that much sexual tension and i dont want to scare her"