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Acronym for "Got to shit!" Cousins to GTG ("Got to go") and BRB ("Be Right Back").

The person in need of shitting (otherwise known as pooping) is to use the comment "GTS" to quickly pause conversation so he can dump his remains into any acceptable location. It is suggested that females stray from using GTS due to males honestly believing (or trying to belive) that members of the female sex in fact do NOT shit.

Best used during conversations via MSN, AIM, Facebook chat, or any other messaging device..maybe even text messaging.

Matthew: "Ya Iron man is the man!"
Mike: "Hell Ya! So what you doing tonight?"
Matthew: "Sorry dude, GTS!"
Mike: "Good Luck! Don't forget try wiping both ways this time!"

by bbrau582 August 6, 2008

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