Source Code

Trojan Horse

A play that is run when a boy and girl want to have some privacy at either one of their houses, but they need to keep it a secret from friends and neighbors. They run the play by meeting up at a remote location, where one of them climbs into the backseat of the other's car and lays down, so they drive together into the garage of the home with no one seeing. The garage door is then closed behind them, and they are free to enjoy each other for several hours, uninterrupted.

Girl: I'm home alone, and I need to see you. So, so, bad. But everyone will see if you cum over here right now.
Boy: Ya. Um... Not if we run the Trojan Horse. Let's set it up. I'll meet you a few blocks from your house in 30 minutes.
Girl: Yes! Perfect!
Boy: YOU are.

by bd_16_100 April 14, 2017

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