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A mirage that doesn't exist and ALWAYS surprises its victims with hidden strings attached.

GUSMAN: "Hey Charles, Tyna... come over to our office for FREE lunch"

CHARLES & TYNA: "Are you sure..Just a simple free lunch, no catch??"

GUSMAN: "Ya guys, come save your money, FREE tacos and sliders and shit"

CHARLES: "Cool on the way ...yesss"

---Charles proceeds to ride his SUPER EUROPEAN BIKE along side Tyna walking over to Gusman's office in 110 degree weather....only to find that they have walked into a room of 50 people (awkward) sitting in a 2 hour open ended Q&A session with a bunch of other douchebags (whilst lunch gets cold on table...)"----

CHARLES: SHEEEIIT GUSMAN, WTF, I woulda bought chipotle if I knew this was the deal...Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiittttt.

TYNA: FUCKING GUSMAN, I have the world's smallest stomach and I almost died of starvation...your such a fucking Charles sometimes.

by bessie123 August 15, 2011

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