Source Code


NASCAR spelt bacwards.........most NASCAR fans seem make more left turns then a non nascar fan

" it will take my dad longer to come home because he WILL NOT make a right turn unless absolutely necessary"

by bibby! March 4, 2005

10👍 23👎


what you call a guy friend you are playing a trick on

" chewaloghorn plan?"

by bibby! March 3, 2005

1👍 7👎


a crazy ekimo village from pluto that has been in a war with teachers for 300 years

-"why are teachers fighting eskimos?"
-"i dont wanna know"

by bibby! March 4, 2005

4👍 5👎


what you call the person your friend is going out with

-"how are you and suzu doing?"
-"hes going out with my friend"
-"evil plan to fix things?"
-"o yea"
-" but i thought you had 4 back up boyfriends?"
-"i do but this ones my favorite"

by bibby! March 4, 2005

5👍 15👎


code word- used when talking about a teacher behind their back

" it looks like zooax-wagamoo is about to attack an eskino again"

by bibby! March 2, 2005

2👍 3👎

The Casperetts

Some girl ghosts casper met at a bacherler party. Now these "9" single ghosts are dateing casper. Critics say that caspers one lucky poltergist. These nine amazing ghosts are backround singers of Caspers hit band 9 chicks in the gave yard. you can buy there new hit single lucky 13 now selling in 7-11's near you! and if your to cheap to get there c-d you can see the casperets in casper meets wendie.if you look closely in the gazibo seen, in the backround you can see 8 of the casperets singing to cover up for the bad singing of casper (the ninth casperet was in the bahamas. ( special apearence of the casperets monday afternoon on oprah)

theres a casperett in my cereal!!! yay!!!

by bibby! March 5, 2005

1👍 4👎