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aussie slang term for fucking

"damo is so rooting emma in there, what a (sick cunt!!) "

by bigdudeydude July 4, 2017

27👍 3👎

skrt skrt

represents the sound of tyres screeching and can be used at the end of any sentence to show excitement, agreement, humour or just for the sake of saying something.

"bro i totally bombed that test!"

"same here, skrt skrt!"

by bigdudeydude July 7, 2017

61👍 54👎

dog cunt

aussie slang term for someone who stabs their mates in the back

(old mate) a: "i think damo's been (rooting) my sister!"

old mate b: "what a fucking dog cunt!"

by bigdudeydude July 4, 2017

96👍 8👎

mad cunt

highest position on the aussie cunt hierarchy. doesn't really give a shit and is fucking crazy.

"damo, your mad cunt for this gath !"

"damo's the fucking maddest cunt i know!

by bigdudeydude July 4, 2017

73👍 4👎


1. the action of losing your shit at someone
2. a person who acts in a retarded manner

1. "my mum had a total spazz last night when i wouldn't wash the dishes"

2. "i heard old mate damo licked a dunny for five bucks last night, what a spazz!"

by bigdudeydude July 4, 2017