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a latin whore who is probably named mayatika or some made up cuban name even thought they were born in the states. they listen to rap, and other stupid trendy nonesense. they usually have their hair cemented to their heads with buckets of gel, have hoop earings that you can fly planes through, have shirts tied behind their backs, and can ALWAYS be seen chewing gum. they dont know what melody's are because they listen to rap, nor do they know what real harmonies are. they think niggers like ashante and ciara have good voices when they have never hear of king diamond, nor blaze bayley. these bitches are annoying, stuck up, and are always failing school.

HAHAHA omfg look at wayalemita! she is a total fukcing chonga!

by bigniggerkillerwhoknowsmetalrules February 13, 2006

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