this word should only be used by people who are worthy of its power. it shoulod be used only is the most necessary of situations.
sam: we got hammered last night bro, it was so slaytastic.
abigail is the type of girl who will pretend to be your friend until you say soemthing she doesn't agree with. beware because abigail's can be very very fake. i'm not saying this to be mean, just as a warning. they play the victim constantly and when you confront them about it, they deny it. they try to "protect" people, when really all theyre doing is making the situation worse. they put their nose in everyone else's business, and then say they dont want to spread gossip. overall, be weary of abigails, as they can apear to be your friends, when in reality they arent.
abigails suckkkk