person who renounces the current lifestyle they are living and becomes a christen. commonly happens to people whom have several near death experiences with drugs. very scary thing when it happens because someone is was usually very cool and hip suddenly become brain washed worshiper of a mythical being. they will never listen to reason and rarely return to the dark side.
they were really cool 80's rockers until their best friend died from a heroin overdose. now the have repented and become born again christians.
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windows refund day. the day when all people who have an unused unopened copy of microsoft windows take it to microsoft and demand a refund. started in 1999 during the beginning of the linux revolution.
matt at in 1999 pointed out on that in the user license you could return unused copies of windows for a refund.
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a googlewhack paradox pertaining to a googlewhackblatt.
the word has become a googlewhackblatt paradox.
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someone who has renounced the slut lifestyle, usually by becoming a born again christen, but falls again into the dark pits of sluting.
for a while he was doing good after the party last night he became a reslut.
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glob is a senseless variant of blog a short more efficient variant of weblog. it has however raised the class level of weblogging to reaches never before achieved.
god wont those losers ever get with the times? blog is like so yesterday. all y'all wish you were as cool as me with my glob.
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practice of suing not just a single anonymous person but dozens at a time for infringing on copyright law.
more and more the riaa is taking part in spamigation and suing hundreds of john does.
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a google search where the end result is only one webpage being found. some criteria include: two words that are defined by no use of quotation marks are allowed. and the resulting page must be a real article not just a list of words. an entire community has sprung up around googlewhacking. you can go to for more information.
i will not list any googewhacks here since that creates a googlewhack paradox.
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