Source Code


A name for organized crime based in Hong Kong or mainland China, also used to denote a member thereof. Note: You can't say "Jin-Wa belongs to a gang named the Triad." This would be akin to saying "Corleone belongs to a gang named the Mafia." No, you say "Jin-Wa was a Triad," or "Jin-Wa belonged to the Triads." You idiotic ignorant wanna-be bastard movie reviewers who don't know shit.

The Triads will fuck you up hardcore.

by bigtrick December 16, 2004

353πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž

Fulltime Killer

kick ass movie about hitmen by Johnny To and Ka-Fai Wai, starring Andy Lau, Takashi Sorimachi and Kelly Lin. As to be diffrentiated from part-time killer, such as myself.

Ass: "Gimme your lunch money."
Me: "I'd kill you, but i'm off. Come back in an hour when I'm on shift."

by bigtrick October 5, 2003

65πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A fat country whose major import is mansauce. Major trade industries are snowballing and teabagging. Clergy should be alert when traveling to Yourmomistan as many incidents of bishop bashing have been reported. Yourmomistan is easily accessible by train, as the Cleveland Steamer runs through there regularly.

Come to Yourmomistan! When you're there, come again!

by bigtrick October 30, 2006

61πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

haricots verts

Pretentious french words for "green bean." Bitches with food recipes that can't stand on their own by virtue of actual taste or presentation like to drop obscure or French phrases into their recipe titles in lieu of normal English words in a stilted effort to make it seem more exotic.

Thus, you have bullshit words like "haricots verts" instead of green beans, "galette" instead of pastry, "jus" instead of juice, "crudités" instead of veggies, and so on.

If you're cooking fucking green beans, just say so. Your worth as a chef is dependent on your goddamn food itself, not what you call it.

Menu item: Haricots Verts in its own jus, served over a beurre reduction.
Translation: Green beans with butter.

by bigtrick October 14, 2006

72πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


On a frosty winter's night, a wagon appeared at the gates of Fort Klugman carrying pioneers to the frontier. A young woman in the party called Delia was heavy with child. And though she had journeyed with the virile young men for nigh on one year, none had lain with her, though she was comely. And on this frosty winter's night, young Delia's water broke, almost freezing her to the seat of the wagon.

And the pioneer's beseeched the soldiers to grant them entrance, so that she could give birth to her child in the hospital there. But due to an outbreak of syphilis among the soldiers, the hospital was full. And so there in the stable, among the feed and tack, and the... the... whatsis, Delia gave birth to a son, whom she called Alvis, as was her wont.

"Vengeance is mine!" quoth Alvis. Then he shot that guy right in the freakin face.

by bigtrick October 22, 2003

148πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A literal ass-kicking, usu. the stakes in a wager. "Playing for boonks" denotes that the loser of the contest gets a kick in the ass from the winner.

"My ass was real sore from balling with MJ for boonks all day long"

by bigtrick September 19, 2003

229πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


The act of slapping two penises together. Learned people (that's "learNED" pronounced with two syllables, boyee) often use the word "discourse" because they do not want to offend anyone by actually saying "slapping two penises together."

Eagleton is invoking an ethical obligation on the part of the intellectual to speak for, but also to, those whose consciousness is lagging behind whatever Hegelian discourse of utopian progress is being espoused.

I had a discourse with your mom last night.

by bigtrick October 30, 2006

129πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž