1. Eludes to the fact that Peyton Manning is not a good quarterback, is not very smart in general and relies on a series of meaningless hand gestures, intended to be interpreted as audibles, but in fact are just meaningless pantomime meant to psyche out opponents and even his own teammates don't understand.
"Peyton Manning is good at using his playcalls and vocal fluctuation to draw the defense offsides, but just wait til you see him peytomime."
1. A portmanteau of the words "spontaneous" and "anus", it's a term used to describe shitting your pants suddenly and without warning.
"Please stand back, I just ate a hot mayonnaise sandwich and it might get spontanus up in here."
1. A term used to describe certain positions in a circular marijuana session of at least 3 people. A person who has just passed the blunt to the person currently hitting the blunt is often described as being in the "Cheech" position. Any person in the "Cheech" position has the least chance of hitting the blunt again. The person who is on deck in the circle is referred to as being in the "Chong" position.
2. Cheech = last person to hit the blunt, Chong = next person to hit the blunt
"Dear God, if the cops show up, please let me be in either the Cheech or Chong position and not the one holding the evidence."
1. When a woman queefs and discharges a substance that is visually similar in texture and appearance to cream chipped beef.
"I thought it might not be such a good idea to have sex with her after she did that cream chipped queef, but I was horny and in a breakfast kind of mood anyway."
1. A form of pedophilia in which the psychiatric disorder focuses exclusively on molesting prepubescent mexican boys by means of luring them into windowless van with tacos and burritos.
"After purchasing 15 pinatas on his credit card in the last month, Roy was afraid he'd be suspected of pedrophilia."
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1. A term used to describe the bizarre sexual fetish of going on a safari, killing a lion, having that lion made into a rug, bringing that rug to your house, going to a bar, picking up a woman, bringing her back to your house, shagging her on the lion rug and right before climax, withdrawing and ejaculating into the lion's mouth.
"I finally crossed Lion King off my bucket, that was a lot of work!"
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1. Often elusive and rarely seen, it's when a woman's vagina is so big, smelly & hairy that it resembles that of a female sasquatch. Usually, females afflicted by this condition are exiled by their peers to live in the woods.
"I don't normally wear condoms, but that beeyotch was scrotch."
"If you do ever encounter a scrotch ho, it's best to play dead."
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