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1) A baby crow.

2) A child of the house of crow.

3) A somewhat angsty individual who wears dark clothes, enjoys writing and poetry, torturing their characters, and quoting Poe. This person is the sweetest individual you have ever encountered upon first meeting, shy and caring to everyone, and it is only later that you realize they are a Crowling- a creature who feeds on caffeine and the accumulated angst of the world. This person is often writing fanfiction and is incredibly popular in their writing circles for their talent. Knowing a person is a Crowling does not scare you away from that individual, rather, it makes you want cuddle that person away to the safety and comfort of the nearest beanbag because they are too precious for this world. Tea is their beverage of choice and, unsurprisingly, they like anime.

Rachel: "Is Carol holed up in their room writing in the dark AGAIN?"
Liz: "That's a crowling for you."

Diana: "Anyone seen Marry? I need writing tips."
Gwyn: "That crowling? Probably watching the newest Attack on Titan."

by birbfrens May 24, 2018