Leia is a wonderful person, someone who has beautiful luxurious hair, a cute and pretty face and especially pretty lips. Might be named after Princess Leia from Star Wars. She might wear glasses, but she can see without them. She's part of the meme community, and watches PewDiePie and makes a lot of friends over memes. Because of this, she's really really funny and will do silly things and is really fun to be around after you get to know her well. She tends to text people over platforms and get to know them really well and have conversations that last until 2am in the morning sometimes, but in person she's socially awkward and really really shy. She tends to be the one to break the ice when in situations where she doesn't know anyone or in front of people her age, but she's often very shy in front of popular people that seem interested in her or people a grade up, because she doesn't want to say something bad and embarrass herself to these people. No matter what situation she's in, she can give really good advice (especially about relationships) and will stick by her friends no matter what. A lot of boys like her and think she's pretty, but she doesn't think so herself and if someone compliments her saying that she's pretty, she'll be really embarrassed and flustered and say no I'm really not. People consider her borderline popular, because she knows a lot of people but she doesn't start drama.
Leia's such a nice person! I really want her to be my friend... she seems like she would know how being socially awkward feels like.
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