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Matthews are charismatic enough to ruin your life. You meet them thinking that they are charming and sincere, but they will always find a way to disappoint on a massive scale that makes you really sad until you get riled up with your friends who coincidentally have all been wronged by a Matthew. Matthews suck; they're the absolute worst. They tell you they love you in the most poetic way and make you fall head over heels because they are very lovable, but it also absolutely kills you when they do something super shitty to ruin you and your image of them. They're loyal but only to a select few, but they consider most people disposable and use them until they have no purpose to them. They'll sleep with you then tell you they love their ex. They're powerful because they're the best liars and gain full control of you and your emotions before fucking up your shit completely. They like to think they're hot shots and they're cocky as shit, and they're smart and all, but the fact that they're assholes makes that not matter in the long run, to you at least, life still tends to treat Matthews just fine despite the fact that they deserve the worst. Like to get left at the alter; they deserve that. But chances are, they will still lead happy and successful lives because life treats you well when you're a Matthew, just not if you interact with one. Stay away if you meet a Matthew.

In this world, you're either a Matthew or you're screwed over by one.

by bitchybitterbitch March 21, 2019

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