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Machi; A Machi is an amazing person that you will never regret letting come into your life, is an extremely energetic person that will always brighten your mood no matter how bad it is, and will care for you in its own way. Machi is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, it can be a little over the top sometimes but that adds to its charm! Machi makes you laugh like no other person and will definitely make fun of you for shits n' giggles! Sometimes Machi gets ahead of itself sometimes but will always make sure to make an effort to apologize even if it can't put it into words very well. No matter what, having a Machi in your life is the best thing that can ever happen to someone so make sure to cherish it and show that you care for it, it deserves the world

Person 1: Dude I love my best friend they're the best person ever
Person 2: Wrong. Not best. Machi is. It's literally the thing ever.

by blaaahhhuuuauaau May 23, 2023