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Total Cracker Death

The total ethnic replacement and genocide of white "people" under the BNWO

"ayo these white folks be causin nothin but trouble, we need TCD to stop their colonialism, mane"

by blackedsissy August 25, 2023


a word used to describe an autistic downie t50 nigger argentsimian shitalian indian israeli palestinian agp pedozoonecrophile BFDI and FNF enjoyer

slopjak: i love FNF-ACK
guitar hero aryan: i'm glad that FNF nigger slopjak is dead

by blackedsissy July 13, 2024

17👍 1👎


a term describing a white "mans" "penis" thats so short it's legally considered a clitoris.

cobson: hey tyrone wanna see my big white cock?
tyrone: naw man das yo clitty

by blackedsissy January 28, 2024