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instead of "thats so GAY" you make it "thats so STRAIGHT"

ryan: ew, thats so gay!
hay: NO, its so straight!

by blairis May 15, 2008

56👍 51👎

vag bag

1. a substitute for the word "douche"
2. a cooler way to say "douche"
3. a word you call someone instead of "douche"

example one -
nick: ew i found a girl's vag bag!

example two -
matt: god, you are such a douche!
james: well, you are a VAG BAG
matt: you are too cool for school

by blairis May 15, 2008

3👍 19👎

vag bag

1. a substitute for the word "douche"

2. a cooler way to say "douche"

3. a word you call someone instead of "douche"

m: god, you are such a douche!
j: well, you are a VAG BAG
m: you are too cool for school

by blairis May 16, 2008

2👍 18👎


1. a thing guys say to get into your pants
2. something that breaks your heart in the end
3. what you say to get some sex

s: i love you

k: im breaking up with you
f: but i love you!

d: uh...i love you?
t: okay, now we can have sex

by blairis May 15, 2008

5👍 11👎