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Port Huronitis

The ailment of being located in or around the city of Port Huron. It commonly affects the natives, but can be easily spread to foreigners. It most acutely affects young people from the age of 13-25.

Symptoms include boredom, cabin fever, sitting at home, "shootin the shit," sleeping for long periods or at odd hours, creeping, and logging on to Facebook for extended periods of time.

This ailment is incurable, however temporary remedies (some may consider them as Symptoms) include: going for long drives, drinking in ones basement with other natives, smoking alot of weed, visiting Danielle Drive, attending grad parties, "beachin it," reading, educating one's self, or GTFO to college.

Male Native 1: "So whats going on tonight?"

Male Native 2: "Don't ask me bro, I've had a case of Port Huronitis lately"

Male Native 1: "Damn, well shake that off and lets go to the 4H fair or to Lakeside Beach to find some females"

Male Native 2: "That'd be dope"

by blehbla492 August 21, 2010

25👍 6👎