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something teenage girls consider to be the weirdest and most awful trait given to males. but apparently, many males find it to be attractive when a girl is timid and shy. so let's get things straight... when a girl is shy, she is considered hot and cute; but when a guy is shy (even at the least) he is automatically labelled as the most boring and weirdest person to walk the earth. girls really shouldn't ridicule guys for being shy, nor should they give a shit. funny how judgemental people can be, for instance, how if one guy is just a little bit quiet, that makes him automatically shy, which is pretty fucking idiotic because that guy may be just in deep thought, tired, uninterested, or does not bother to communicate with people who cannot keep their mouths shut for 2 fucking seconds. it's pretty official that girls seem to like guys who are extroverted/loud assholes who can't seem to keep their dicks down and fuck everyone in sight. to be honest, shyness in general is not an uncommon trait.. but whereas america which holds a good general 98 percentage of loud, obnoxious, and extroverted fat bastards. moral is that if your voice cannot be heard within 30-40 feet, you keep your mouth closed for at least 5 seconds, you stay home alone for a certain amount of hours, you walk by yourself in hallways, you are considered shy. "it's barbaric, but hey, it's home!"

hey beavis... shyness is gay.. uh huh huh uh huh huh

harhar yea butthead.. it's pretty gay allright arhar har ehehehehe

by bobbhfh April 13, 2008

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